Cockroach Control services


Cockroach Control Services in Kengeri

Cockroaches are very common pests in home and businesses which are affecting daily lives.They favour same conditions as human, which is why effective Cockroach Control Services In Kengeri is so important. Cockroaches contaminate food, utensils and kitchen preparation areas with droppings, cast skins, egg sacs, regurgitation marks and foul odours.

Cockroach Control Services In Kengeri
Cockroach Treatment Services In Kengeri

Cockroaches can be a major problem in commercial restaurants, kitchens, cafes, pubs and even in homes as they are prolific breeders, and can stay in refrigerators and in ovens as well as the smallest cracks in homes and commercials spaces. They are relatively small, ranging from nymphs (young insects) the size of a pinhead to adults up to 15–25 mm long.

Since cockroaches are more active at night, you have most likely only seen few. The small number of cockroaches you see during the day indicates that they are probably more in your premise, This could have a serious infection sign. There are so many illness including Food poisoning, which is linked to cockroach infection

Cockroach Control Treatment In Kengeri

How to Tell If You Have a Cockroach Infestation

Cockroaches are extremely hardy creatures and adapt well to residential or commercial properties.
They are often found in dark, warm places with good humidity which includes:

  • Faecal residue
  • Foul odour especially in damp areas
  • Body parts usually limbs
  • Carcasses
  • Egg cases
  • Kitchen sinks
  • Cracks and Crevices
  • Toilets, showers and hot water systems
  • Subflooring and roof voids
  • Wall Cavities
